Saturday, September 26, 2009

Friday Night Poker and Trailer Park Boys

Played 2 sit and gos with the guys tonight. They went to see the movie Surrogate too but I didn't feel like watching a movie. It's a movie with Bruce Willis and it's kind of like the Matrix and virtual reality. Kind of wish I went but would rather go see Trailer Park Boys: Countdown to Liquor Day:) It just came out today too, maybe I'll go see it on Tuesday, I think Tuesday's are half price day. Here's a trailer:

Anyway, back to poker. The sit and Gos were $5 with 5 guys so $25 prizepool and we set it to $17 for first and $8 for 2nd place. The first sng I hit like every flop, straights and 2 pairs when my opponent hit top pair top kicker. So I won the first one pretty fast. The second sng wasn't so easy. Everyone started with about 100 chips. I built it up to 140 chips and then dropped to about 80. Then back up to 140 when this hand happened:

3 handed now, blinds 4/8. I am in the big blind with 140 chips. Folded to small blind who min raises to 16. I look at J8 and call. Flop comes J42 with 2 clubs. Great flop for me and I have position. Sb bets out 16, pot is now 48. I min raise to 32, sb calls. Pot is now 96, Turn is a 5 and sb moves all in for 90. It took me a while to call, thought maybe he had straight or 2 pair or something. And if I'm wrong than I don't place in the money. Sb showed 67 clubs for open ended straight and flush draws, actually had a lot of outs but he missed and I collected 280 chip pot. I ended up winning the second sng too.

So, tomorrow I might get a copy of Holdem Manger or Poker Tracker 3. Not sure which one to pick. On Sunday I start 30 days/$3000 Challenge. Tuesday, maybe Trailer Park Boys:) And I haven't watched UFC 103 yet. Just found out a friend is hosting $20 rebuy tournament tomorrow night so I'll try to make that.

Goodbye for now:)

- Free $100 Bankroll at Full Tilt Poker
- 27% Rakeback at Full Tilt Poker


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