Saturday, June 7, 2008

Good Run in Action Poker :)

I didn't work today so I had some time to play Action Poker and try to reach 1100 points. I played for just over 2 hours, I usually don't like to play that long without taking a break but there was a lot of bad players and I wanted there money before I left:).

I was expected company so I decided to play just 1 table and at the 10cent 25cent limit. I've lost my bankroll last 2 times I went to 10cent 25cent so I decided to play pretty conservative and see how everybody plays first.

4 handed in I pick up QQ, standard raise and a tried a continuation bet that could look like a steal to entice my opponents to call/raise. I get reraised and we put them all in.

Not too long after I pick up 10s. Raise 4x because someone posted dead 25cent. Looking to take the pot down or perhaps get heads up. I get 3 callers, don't like that. McTwist bets out .75 into a $4 pot, looks like hes on a draw so I raise to $3. Mctwist bets out $2 into a $10 pot. Again, looks like hes drawing and if he has a flush than I can pair the board for a full house or hit the last 10 which is 10 outs or just over 20% of the time.

...I went to the beach and played basketball, such a nice day out. I played another session at Action Poker. I gambled more than I'd like but at least I'm at 828 Action Points, need just 272 points to unlock the $50 bonus. Shouldn't have a problem since I made ~250 points today.

Anyway, here are some hands.

Money Maker

Edit later, going to bed


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