Thursday, February 19, 2009

Tom "Durrr" Dwan and Patrik Antonius Finally Start Durrr's Million Dollar Challenge

Dwan and Antonius have started the 50,000 hand challenge with side bet of Dwan paying the challenger $1.5 million if they win and if the challenger wins, they pay Dwan $500k.

durrrr's results graph

They started the challenge Wednesday morning and played for nearly 5 hours (292 minutes). They played 4 tables of Omaha PL $200/$400, a total of 1541 hands played and durrr up 134K at the end.

The biggest hand they played was a $148k pot. Durrr flopped a set of 10s where Antonius flopped a wrap, open ended straight draw with a gut shot. Antonius missed his straight draws and Durrr won the $148k pot.

Full Tilt created 8 PLO tables just for this challenge. Why 8 tables you ask? So when one of their stakes gets too high they can move to the next table to drop back to 100BB each ($40K). We've heard 275BB and 250BB as being the amount they want to stay under.

Here is what Patrik Antonius had to say right before the match

Playing four heads-up tables will be tough, especially at pot-limit Omaha. PLO is a game of good calls, good value bets and good bluffs; you have a lot of tough decisions on the turn and river, that's for sure, so I will need plenty of focus. Thankfully I have played so many hands of PLO that I am able to respond to situations a bit quicker and I tend to take the same amount of time for every decision, so I do not give off any timing tells. Every now and then you get a hand where you have to use the time bank but Tom usually takes quite a bit of time to act, too, so we will play at the same pace." Patrik continued, "I've done quite well against durrrr playing two or three simultaneous tables, so I am pretty confident, although that fourth table does make a difference and how I adapt to that is the key. He has much more experience at playing four or more heads-up tables at the highest stakes; his brain seems to be programmed much better for that kind of thing.

Current standings:
-durrrr's results: +$134,911
-Patrik Antonius's results: -$135,209

Free $100 Bankroll at Full Tilt Poker


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