Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Update on Durrr's Challenge -Tom "Durrr" Dwan Vs.Patrik Antonius

Saturday - Session 2 and 3
Durrrr and Patrik played two sessions on Saturday.

First session - Durrrr up $171K total after a total of 1633 hands played.

Second session - Patrik wins $227K, pulling into the lead with $56K - 2921 hands played.

Cliff Notes by spadebidder from 2 + 2 Forums;

* durrrr and Patrik played two sessions on Saturday. After a short 30 minute session beginning at 1:54PM EST durrrr hit his highest lead so far in the challenge, up $171K after a total of 1633 challenge hands played.

* durrrr takes a lunch break and then plays some $500/$1000 HA with several other players. durrrr has told Patrik a couple times that when he can get action at the bigger tables then challenge play will just have to wait.

* Challenge play resumes at 4:50 PM. They stop for a 20 minute break to watch the Gus Hansen boxing match on gushansentv.com. This is Hansen's new poker TV web site, which is worth checking out. The boxing match was streamed live as a stunt to promote the new site. Right now Gus is replaying and narrating some of his recent high stakes play on Full Tilt, which is very cool.

* They play until 9PM, ending with a total of 2921 hands played and Patrik now up $56K. So Patrick won $227K in this four hour session, taking the lead again. This is the first time a session has ended with Patrick in the lead.

* They agree to meet again Sunday around noon.
Patrik Antonius: im done
durrrr: nice win, gg
durrrr: wanna try to play tomorrow?
Patrik Antonius: ty gg
Patrik Antonius: i'll sleep maybe 12 hours now
durrrr: im goin out tonight
Patrik Antonius: y i wanna play everyday when theres nothing else going on
durrrr: so probly wont wanna play until like idk noonish tomorrow
durrrr: 15hrs or w/e id guess
Patrik Antonius: cu tomorrow
durrrr: but if i drink too much
durrrr: then no game
durrrr: lol
Patrik Antonius: lol
durrrr: we'll c, cya

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