Monday, February 25, 2008

Pokerstars FPP Points and CD Poker - Poker School

About a week ago I didn't know what I wanted to spend my Pokerstars FPP points on. I heard someone else say he makes a nice profit selling Pokerstars Tshirts on ebay. He sells it in Euros or something like that and he averages $20 a Tshirt, thats pretty nice but only problem you have to reship it and is a little hassle. I only had 800 points and each Tshirt is 500 points. So I only got 1 shirt and had 300 points left. I entered 4 sit that cost 70FPP each. If I win in one of those sngs than Ill get a $11 ticket to Sunday 100 grand. But I wouldn't play in Sunday Grand cause I'm not that great in tournaments. So I would have sold the tournament money and get $10 for each Sit and Go I won. I ended up losing in all 4 Sit and Gos and was pretty disappointed. Got some bad beats but oh well.

Anyway, today I get a note on my door. It says delivery attempt but no one home and they'll be back tomorrow. So I got to make sure I wake up early tomorrow. They came 1:30 in afternoon but I was still sleeping lol. Haven't decided if I want to sell the shirt or keep it. If I can get $15 than I guess Ill sell it.

I just passed some Pokerschool quiz to get $50+$100 on BankrollMob. Pretty easy quiz except that its hard to understand what they're trying to say cause they word some of the questions bad. Not sure what the restrictions are in cashing out..
And I signed up for free bankroll at Unibet Poker. Hopefully I get my bankroll soon.


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