Friday, March 20, 2009

Evelyn Ng Ruined My Life - Daniel Negreanu

Here's a story from Daniel Negreanu's blog. I don't want to spoil it.. so here it is.


So the story goes, when we were teenagers Evelyn and I dated. We got along, we fought, we got along, we fought, and in the end we just seemed to make for better friends. Or so I thought...

Never did I expect her to do what she did to me recently. We don't talk as much, she travels the world playing poker and I do the same from time to time in different parts of the world. We speak once and a while on MSN, she's always been a good listener always willing to give me advice. She knows my strengths, she also knows my weaknesses, so when I have questions, she's always been a good person for me to turn to. That was then...

I don't think I'll ever speak to her again. I'm just at a loss for words at this point. You think someone is your friend until they do something that makes you wonder, "What kind of friend would do that?" So I guess I should cut to the chase. A while back she bought me a birthday present and I was too lazy to pick it up from her place. Eventually she gave my present to someone else. No big deal, my bad for not coming by to grab it. That's not what destroyed me.

What destroyed me is that eventually, just this week, she did in fact have this "gift" sent to my house. This gift is just the end of me and I still don't know why she would do this to me. She bought me Rock Band 2 for X-BOX 360. It's over for me. My life wasn't all that exciting before I got this game, but now I'm just a total mess. Leaving the house is as unlikely as Michael Jackson fathering a baby without artificial insemination. I was instantly addicted, and I knew it from the very first drum beat.

I hate you Evelyn Ng. We WERE friends. I thought very good friends actually, but I see now that you really don't care about me at all. All you care about is your personal agenda: to destroy the youth of America with addictive video games that will corrupt their souls. I swear I thought I knew you... you are just dead to me now. No question about it- YOU KNEW! You totally knew that with my personality type I would lose all hope at a normal life once you got me this gift. Gift... it's just wrong to even call it a gift. Evelyn bought me poison for the mind and I hate the fact that I love it so much! You suck Evelyn!

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